The Best Excel DIY financial and retirement planning software for consumers
Runs on any Windows PC or Mac with Microsoft Excel
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A sample projection graphic showing Total Assets over a lifetime

The VeriPlan Total Assets graphic above shows projected lifetime cash, bond/fixed income, and stock/equity financial assets and real estate / property. Net human capital is also shown to illustrate the conversion into financial assets of net savings from earned income while working. Cash, bond/fixed income, and stock/equity financial assets and real estate / property assets are graphed in layers. On top of cash, bond, and stock financial assets, this graphic displays the projected values of real estate and other property assets. Until paid down, outstanding debt principal owed pulls displayed assets down below the zero horizontal line to the extent of the debt remaining.
These links take you to personal financial planning software topics lower on this page:
1) Overview: Home DIY personal financial and retirement planning calculator software
2) Flexible and detailed income, expense, debt, tax, and savings projection tools
3) Automated federal, state, and local income tax, property tax, and capital gains taxes
4) Projects the finances of up to 5 residences and 10 rental properties with buying and selling
5) Manage debt: Plan the repayment of all your debts, including accelerated debt repayments
6) Develop integrated investment portfolio growth projections with investment cost analysis
7) Automated investment asset allocation calculators with portfolio rebalancing tools
8) Retirement investment planning, including IRAs and employer defined contribution plans
9) Social Security and Medicare retirement planning calculator tools
10) Retirement income: Social Security, RMDs, pensions, annuities, & deferred compensation
11) Optimize Roth tax-advantaged retirement contributions and conversions
12) Designed for do-it-yourself use in your home
13) Comprehensive “Low Cost Mutual Funds” and “Low Cost ETFs” bonus eBooks
14) Runs on Windows or Macintosh computers with ANY version of Microsoft Excel
15) 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee and product ordering information
16) VeriPlan’s development history since 2006
Put yourself in the DIY financial planning driver’s seat with VeriPlan’s easy-to-use home and family software for individuals and consumers
1) Overview: Home DIY personal financial and retirement planning calculator software
DIY personal financial planning software tools for personal use by individuals and consumers
- Control your own financial destiny and plan your lifetime financial freedom and retirement security
- Integrate all your objectives into one comprehensive and detailed personal financial and retirement plan
- Project your lifetime income, expenses, debts, taxes, and investment portfolio
- Focus on making financial decisions, because all calculations are automatically done instantly for you in the background
- Gain clarity through lifetime financial and retirement projection graphics and data tables
- Update your personal financial planning software plan in the future to track your progress and evaluate new decisions without having to pay maintenance fees or buy new versions
VeriPlan includes these fully integrated financial planning tools
- Lifetime earnings, expense, and retirement savings calculators
- Income, property, and capital gains tax calculators
- Home purchase, sale, and mortgage calculator tools
- Full retirement age and early retirement planning calculator and income calculator tools
- Tax-advantaged retirement investment planning tools
- Traditional and Roth contributions and conversion calculator tools
- Debt management calculators
- Asset allocation calculator and rebalancing tools
- Investment cost reduction tools
- Investment returns calculators
- Investment portfolio risk tools
- Investment portfolio safety tools
VeriPlan’s fully personalized and integrated financial projection scenario and early retirement calculator tools allow you to
- Compare unlimited financial and retirement planning scenarios with VeriPlan’s cash flow modeling software
- Change any and all earnings, expense, debt, tax, investment, or savings assumptions
- Enter annual ordinary living expenses and model major expenses in some years, such as children’s college, roof replacement, auto purchases, etc.
- Automatically estimate the present value of your lifetime savings and human capital
- Plan retirement investment, retirement income, and retirement withdrawal strategies
- Optimize your taxable, traditional tax-deferred, and Roth retirement account investment strategies
- Model investment portfolio risk and returns with automatic asset allocation and rebalancing tools
- Vary expected asset class returns systematically to test returns projections
- Project portfolio safety margins provided by your cash and bond assets
- Model the cumulative, lifetime impact of excessive investment costs and fees
The VeriPlan Comparison Tool
- The VeriPlan personal financial planning software allows you to lock any projection model that you have developed with its integrated Comparison Tool.
- Then, you can make one or many subsequent changes to your data and assumptions.
- VeriPlan’s Comparison Tool will automatically present the differences between your revised model and locked projection model.
- The VeriPlan Comparison Tool allows you to evaluate quickly all financial differences between your two projection plans.
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2) Income, expense, debt, tax, and saving projection tools that are flexible, detailed, and fully integrated
VeriPlan’s integrated lifetime earnings, expense budgeting, and retirement savings calculators
- Project wage and salary income, bonus income, and self-employment income until you (and your spouse) retire at any age
- Project all other expected income sources before and after retirement
- Make any positive or negative annual income adjustments on a year-by-year basis
- Add major planned expenses in any year, such as home renovations, new babies, elderly parent care, vacations, etc
- Use as a children’s educational expense and college planning tool with adjustments for expected scholarships and loans
- Use as a career education expense planning tool to model the trade-offs associated with returning to school for career advancement
- Fine tune your earnings growth rates for each income source
- Adjust projected expense inflation rates relative to average CPI inflation
- Enter positive and negative annual expense adjustments and with different inflation rates in any projection year
Do all this automatically, while the VeriPlan personal financial planning software, which is designed for personal use by individuals and consumers, simultaneously projects all of your debt payments, taxes, investment appreciation, and investment expenses
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Sample VeriPlan Personal Income graphic

This VeriPlan Personal Income graphic projects the income associated directly or indirectly with earned income sources (excluding income from your asset portfolio), including:
- Earned employment and actively-managed business income for Earners #1 and #2
- Pension, annuity, deferred compensation, and Social Security income from the retirement worksheet
- Other income with adjustments from the Income worksheet
3) Automated federal, state, and local income tax, property tax, and capital gains tax projections
Overview of VeriPlan’s sophisticated, automated, and customizable financial and retirement tax calculator tools
- Make long-term decisions based on personal financial and retirement do-it-yourself tax calculator scenarios using VeriPlan’s rich set of income tax calculators, property tax calculators, and capital gains tax calculator tools
- Develop financial and retirement tax calculator scenarios for your particular situation, including US federal, 50 US states and DC, and local graduated, flat, or no income taxes.
- The VeriPlan Excel personal financial and retirement planning software also automates the projections of short-term and long-term investment capital gains taxes on the sale of properties, including residential real estate, rental real estate properties, and other valuable properties
VeriPlan’s fully integrated Excel financial and retirement tax planning calculator software will automatically project your yearly tax obligations through age 100 in these tax categories:
- Federal earned income, interest, and other ordinary income taxes
- State & local earned income, interest, and other ordinary income taxes
- Social Security payroll taxes and Medicare payroll employment taxes (FICA)
- Home residential property and real estate taxes
- Federal income taxes on traditional tax-deferred account withdrawals, RMDs, and penalties
- State and local income taxes on traditional tax-deferred account withdrawals, RMDs, and penalties
- Federal long-term capital gains LTCGs) + Net Investment Income Taxes (NIIT)
- State and local ordinary income taxes on LTCGs
Easily change any or all of the tax settings, tax rates and limits supplied with VeriPlan, whether tax rates change in the future or you just want to test different tax rates
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Sample VeriPlan Personal Tax Payments graphic

The VeriPlan Personal Tax Payments graphic includes your projected taxes related to:
- Federal, state and local ordinary income taxes on earned, interest, retirement and other income calculated with the marginal or flat rate taxes that apply to single or married taxpayers filing jointly
- FICA / Social Security and Medicare taxes for both salaried and self-employed workers
- Property and real estate taxes
- Ordinary Federal, state, & local taxes on mandatory and needed tax-deferred account withdrawals — differentiated by whether particular states tax these withdrawals
- Federal long-term capital gains taxes
- State and local ordinary income taxes on long-term capital gains
- “Realized” asset taxes related to asset withdrawals, ordinary income, and capital gains distributions, including early withdrawal penalties.
- Long-term capital gains tax rates are calculated at the federal tax level and assessed at ordinary rates at the state and local income tax levels.
- Federal, state, and local ordinary income taxes on reinvested interest are also assessed automatically.
The VeriPlan personal financial planning calculator software uses the particular federal income tax, state income tax, and local income tax rates and limitations that apply to you
Through age 100, VeriPlan automatically generates personalized tax projections with these specific features:
- Current graduated U.S. federal income tax rates and limits that you can change
- Variable or flat state income tax rates and limits. (VeriPlan comes supplied with state income tax rates for the 50 United States and Washington, D.C. Select any state to develop your projections.)
- Enter any local personal income tax rates and limits that might apply to you. (VeriPlan can project: no local taxes, flat local tax rates, graduated local tax rates, or the New York City local income tax rates that are provided with VeriPlan.)
- Plan to move from your current state of residence to a different state in the future and automatically switch state and local taxes at that point. (This allows you to test easily whether the “tax-grass” would actually be greener elsewhere, which is often not the case with state and local level taxation — particularly after retirement.)
- Enter different levels of taxable income at the federal, state, and local tax levels.
- Select the ‘Single’ or “Married, Filing Jointly’ federal income tax filing status. (VeriPlan automatically applies the tax rates and tax limits that are associated with either of these filing statuses.)
- Include your federal income tax deductions. (The VeriPlan personal financial planning software for use by individuals and consumers automatically applies the more favorable of either the standard tax deduction or your itemized tax deductions in each projection year.)
- Enter up to 6 adjustments to your income subject to income taxes.
- Differentiates between salaried employee tax rates and self-employment tax rates, as appropriate.
- Add up to 10 tax exemptions for your tax dependents, including age related phase-outs. (Note this functionality is retained, but suspended due to the 2017 tax act.)
- Automatically assesses applicable Social Security (FICA) and Medicare payroll employment taxes — whether either earner has wage/salary income and/or self-employment income
- Automatically assesses long-term qualified dividend and long-term capital gains taxes on your long-term capital gains distributions and asset withdrawals, including the Net Investment Income Taxes (NIIT) for those with higher incomes
- Federal, state and local Social Security retirement benefit and retirement account savings income taxes, including Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs)
- State level differentiation by which of the 50 states do or do not tax either Social Security retirement benefits and/or RMDs and other traditional IRA and defined contribution employer retirement plan distributions
- Short-term and long-term investment capital gains taxes with asset tax basis tracking (VeriPlan automatically tracks your cumulative asset class tax basis for assets and asset classes. VeriPlan will project long-term capital gains taxes net of your cumulative asset tax basis.)
- Automatically assesses your total property taxes, real estate taxes, and other assessed property taxes on multiple residential real estate and rental properties
Fully automated Excel financial and retirement tax calculator projection software that instantly revises your plan, whenever you change any tax setting
To make better financial planning decisions, you need after-tax projections that reflect your own tax situation.
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The Best Excel personal financial and retirement
planning software for individuals and consumers
One household license for all of your Mac and Windows computers
No risk 30-day 100% money back guarantee
No need to buy upgrades – No support contract needed
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Scroll down to learn more about VeriPlan’s comprehensive, integrated, and advanced personal financial and normal and early retirement growth calculator software tools
4) The VeriPlan personal financial planning software will model finances of up to 5 residences and 10 rental real estate properties, including automated future buying and selling
Project finances of up to 5 home residences, 10 rental real estate properties, and 10 other valuable properties
VeriPlan’s property and real estate projection calculator tools automatically:
- Project asset value growth, expenses, taxes, and other cash flow factors associated with owning now and/or purchasing or selling in the future any of these homes, rentals, and other properties.
- VeriPlan automatically calculates the cash you need to complete these transactions, including cash down payments, buying/selling/closing costs, and other settlement cash requirements net of any planned mortgages and debts, while taking into account interim asset appreciation and taxation
- Add new homes, rentals, and other property assets to your portfolio in the future and project future real estate price appreciation, maintenance costs, other expenses, and property and business taxes
- Automatically project the cash flow value to you of future mortgage interest, business, and real estate tax payments as income tax deductions, while taking into account exclusions and income limitations
- Track positive and negative after-tax cash flows related to homes, rentals, and other businesses related to ongoing operations, purchases, and sales
- Manage future expenses to prepare for the sale of any property, while taking into account projected fair market values, tax basis, depreciation, and capital gains on real estate and other business property sales
- Manage current and future debts associated with homes, rentals, and properties including cash flow, deductions, limitations, and accelerated repayment of any debt
VeriPlan’s Excel financial and retirement tax calculator functionality projects fully integrated buying, selling, and ownership scenarios for up to 5 homes, 10 rental real estate properties, and 10 other valuable properties
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Sample VeriPlan Rental Real Estate and Property graphic

VeriPlan’s Property and Debts worksheet allows you to enter information concerning up to 10 rental properties and up to 10 other closely-held investment properties, including information about asset values, income, operating expenses, taxes, depreciation, and debt payments. In addition, it allows you to plan the future purchase and sale of rental real estate and other property assets. This Rental Real Estate and Property graphic shows aggregate cash flows across all these assets including gross income, operating expenses, real estate taxes, and debt payments. The solid black and red lines show the annual positive and negative cash flows respectively for all of these property assets.
5) Manage debt: Plan the repayment of all your debts, including accelerated debt repayments
With the VeriPlan personal financial planning calculator software, you can automatically project repayment of any debt, including accelerated debt payments
VeriPlan’s debt management calculators and mortgage calculator tool features:
- For all your current and future debts, VeriPlan’s fully integrated debt management spreadsheet features will automatically repay the interest and principal — using either minimum required payments or any accelerated loan payments that you choose for:
- Up to 10 credit card, car loan, student loan, and other revolving credit debts
- Up to 10 home mortgage and home equity line of credit debts related to personal residences, vacation homes, and residential upgrades
- Up to 20 debts associated with rental real estate properties
- Up to 10 debts associated with other properties and business interests
- VeriPlan helps you to analyze the potential value of accelerated repayments for any or all of your loans versus the alternate investment opportunities you would have for the cash that you would retain from not accelerating debt repayments
- As appropriate for each type of debt, VeriPlan will automatically take into account tax deductions and other tax limitations, including itemized income tax deductions for residences within the legal limitations related to income, number of properties, and the type of loan.
- If your expenses exceed your income and cash, fixed income, and stock financial resources, VeriPlan will automatically accumulate your unfunded debt and interest obligations. (This feature can illustrate how excessive debt can create a destructive downward spiral, and it permits you to see whether your future financials might allow you to recover.)
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6) Develop integrated investment portfolio growth projections with investment cost analysis
Fully adjustable cash, bond, and stock investment asset class returns analysis and sophisticated, long-term cash, bond, and stock investment asset growth projections
VeriPlan’s future value investment calculator software
- VeriPlan’s automated centerline projections use very long-term, historical securities market rates of return on the cash, bond – fixed income, and stock – equity investment asset classes over the past 95+ years.
- You can adjust any of these projected rates of return, using VeriPlan’s Portfolio Risk Tool.
- All your projections will automatically deduct short-term capital gains taxes, long-term capital gains taxes, and investment costs from your gross financial asset investment returns.
- VeriPlan will automatically project the fair market value of your real estate, property, and other assets using the asset growth rates that you anticipate.
With the VeriPlan personal financial planning calculator software, you can easily analyze your personal investment portfolio return projections
VeriPlan’s investment risk and return portfolio tools
- You can use your own asset class investment return assumptions, which differ positively and/or negatively from the financial asset class return assumptions that VeriPlan supplies.
- To understand better the asset class investment risk of your portfolio, you can vary automatically your expected asset class investment returns either upward or downward in proportion to their historical volatility.
- Alternatively, you can automatically vary the expected returns of financial asset classes on a judgmental basis.
- Furthermore, you can analyze the effects of substantial near-term changes in the securities market value of your financial asset portfolio using the Current Portfolio Revaluation Tool.
VeriPlan’s cash, bond, and stock investment cost calculator and analysis tools help you avoid excessive investment management fees
- Excessive investment costs are a huge problem for the average individual investor.
- Reducing investment fees is the most effective and scientifically valid investment strategy that investors have to improve their investment returns.
- VeriPlan automatically analyzes the cumulative impact of five types of investment expenses across your life cycle including:
- sales loads and fees,
- securities marketing 12b-1 fees,
- asset management fees,
- investment trading costs, and
- investment custody fees.
- VeriPlan fully automates the analysis of the annual and cumulative lifetime investment costs that are associated with your cash, bond, and stock financial asset portfolio.
- You can quickly understand the cumulative lifetime investment costs associated with your current financial asset portfolio.
- You can easily compare comprehensive, integrated, and advanced financial and normal and early retirement growth calculator projections using your current investment costs against projections using lower investment costs of your choice.
Excessive investment portfolio management fees and costs can significantly undermine your cash, bond, and stock retirement investment portfolio
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Sample VeriPlan Cash, Bond, and Stock Financial Asset Allocation graphic

The VeriPlan cash, bonds/fixed income, and equities/stocks Financial Asset Allocation graphic shows your projected annual financial asset allocation across your lifetime. This graphic depends upon your settings on the Allocation worksheet. VeriPlan provides five asset allocation methods with flexible user adjustments.
7) Automated investment asset allocation calculator features with integrated portfolio rebalancing tools
The VeriPlan personal financial planning calculator software, provides automatic asset allocation calculator and portfolio rebalancing tools
VeriPlan provides 5 different user-adjustable asset allocation methods for your cash, bond, and stock financial asset
- Align the risk of your investment portfolio with your relative risk tolerance
- VeriPlan’s compound investment calculator tools use your preferred asset allocation method to develop cash, fixed income, and equity investment asset ownership and returns projections for you automatically
- User adjustable fixed, variable, and age-based investment asset allocation mechanisms are provided
- Portfolio reallocations are performed automatically each year throughout your lifetime projection according to the asset allocation method and settings that you choose
- You can easily and quickly evaluate the trade-offs between different asset allocation strategies within the context of your projected financial and retirement situation
Calculate your projected financial and retirement planning risk and security
- VeriPlan’s investment portfolio safety tools
- Individual investors face a dilemma — less risky and more risky investment strategies may not achieve desired results for different reasons.
- When assessing investment strategies with different risk levels, it can be helpful to understand how the “safer” portion of your portfolio assets might evolve across your life cycle.
- This tool automatically projects how long your cash, bond/fixed income, and stock/equity assets would cover your projected expenses, if all your expected income sources ceased at any point.
- VeriPlan automatically measures your projected financial capacity to weather future financial risks that might materialize at any point.
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The Best Excel personal financial and retirement
planning software for individuals and consumers
One household license for all of your Mac and Windows computers
No risk 30-day 100% money back guarantee
No need to buy upgrades – No support contract needed
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Scroll down to learn more about VeriPlan’s comprehensive, integrated, and advanced personal financial and normal and early retirement growth calculator software tools
8) The VeriPlan personal financial planning software enables sophisticated retirement investment planning, including IRAs and employer defined contribution plans
Plan your investments in traditional and Roth tax-advantaged retirement accounts
VeriPlan’s comprehensive, integrated, and advanced tax-advantaged financial full and early retirement planning calculator spreadsheet and worksheet tools
- Fully automate your financial and retirement planning of retirement account contributions and tax-advantaged asset growth in 401k, 403b, 457, federal Thrift Savings, SEP-IRA, SIMPLE-IRA, and other employer plans; and in personal IRA and self-directed 401k accounts
- Automatically project your investment portfolio cash, bond, and stock financial assets held in taxable accounts, in traditional tax-deferred accounts, and in Roth IRA and 401k accounts
- Direct pre-tax and/or after-tax employee contributions, employer matching contributions, and additional expected employer contributions into traditional retirement accounts and/or Roth retirement accounts.
- Similarly, control personal and spousal IRA contributions into traditional IRA and/or Roth IRA accounts
- Easily control whether your projected lifetime plan contributions would be funded from future positive net income and/or from future taxable financial assets — up to annual contribution limits
The VeriPlan personal financial planning calculator software automates DIY planning for your lifetime traditional IRA and Roth IRA contributions, deductions, asset growth, withdrawals, and taxation with its comprehensive, integrated, and advanced financial retirement investment, retirement income, and retirement withdrawal calculator tool features
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Sample VeriPlan Taxable, Traditional, and Roth Assets graphic with RMDs

The VeriPlan Asset Taxability graphic projects your holdings of cash, fixed income, and stock financial assets between your taxable, traditional tax-deferred and Roth accounts. These assets depend upon the tax characteristics your current holdings, which you entered on the Financial Assets worksheet. This graphic also depends upon your settings on the Tax-Advantaged Plans worksheet regarding your future contributions into tax-advantaged retirement plans.
9) Social Security and Medicare retirement planning calculator tools
Comprehensive, integrated, and advanced financial retirement planning, including Social Security and Medicare full retirement age and early retirement calculator tools
With VeriPlan’s comprehensive, integrated, and advanced normal age and early retirement calculator planning tools, including Social Security retirement benefit and Medicare retirement healthcare expense planning tools:
- Set individual retirement ages and select whether a married working couple would retire simultaneously or in different years
- Adjust your planned retirement living expenses and the expected inflation rate of your retirement living expenses
- Change your retirement expenses year by year (For example, you could add the projected cost of an ocean cruise every two years during your retirement.)
With this detailed and comprehensive financial normal age and early retirement growth calculator, set your Social Security retirement income payment entitlement levels, including Social Security spousal benefits calculations
- Evaluate the financial impact of your decision about which age to accept first Social Security payments between 62 and 70 for an individual and for a couple.
- Flexibly model Social Security spousal benefits. Given the year of the first payment chosen, VeriPlan will determine the highest benefit based on the individual’s work record or the spousal benefit, including any early claiming reductions
- If you wish, VeriPlan’s Social Security full retirement age and early retirement calculator tools allow you can scale back the amount of your projected Social Security retirement payments, by a percentage to reflect any concern over the adequacy of the Social Security trust funds
With VeriPlan’s Medicare and retirement healthcare expense planning calculator tools you can:
- Project your total retirement healthcare costs and grow them at real dollar rates that differ from general inflation.
- Enter information about your pre-retirement out-of-pocket family healthcare costs to compare them with your expected retirement healthcare costs.
- Specify your expected family Medicare insurance premium costs related to Medicare Parts A, B, C, and D insurance coverage. VeriPlan provides suggested defaults that you can easily change.
- Estimate additional out-of-pocket costs for healthcare expenses in retirement given your choices of Medicare Parts A, B, C, and D insurance coverage
- Understand how the Medicare IRMAA surcharge system works and how VeriPlan automatically projects any Medicare IRMAA insurance subsidy reductions during your higher retirement income years
- Project the impact of any late enrollment fees for Medicare Parts B and D insurance premiums for those already retired who were late to enroll. (You can avoid these continuing penalties by signing up on time.)
In addition, VeriPlan’s Retirement Planning information worksheet provides articles that discuss:
- Participation in IRAs and in employer defined contribution plans
- Health care expenses in retirement
- How the 50 states and DC tax Social Security retirement benefits and traditional retirement account RMDs and other withdrawals
- The longevity challenge in lifetime financial planning
- Safe investment portfolio withdrawals to fund retirement
- The origin of the 4% retirement withdrawals rule-of-thumb
- Sequence of returns risk in retirement portfolios
- Portfolio growth potential during retirement
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10) The VeriPlan personal financial planning software projects all retirement income, including Social Security, RMDs, pensions, annuities, and deferred compensation
With VeriPlan’s comprehensive, integrated, and advanced financial retirement pension, retirement annuity, and deferred compensation calculator tools, you can easily:
Project up to 10 separate pension, annuity, and/or deferred compensation payouts. For each of your pensions, annuities, and/or deferred compensation payouts, the VeriPlan comprehensive, integrated, and advanced retirement planning calculator will automatically:
- Project the dollar amounts of your monthly annuity, pension, and/or compensation payments
- For each payout, apply separately any real dollar payment growth before the payments begin and any cost of living payment adjustments from when the first payment begins through the end of the payments stream
- Select whether payments would begin at a specific age or at your planned retirement age
- Choose the number of years duration of these pension, annuity, and/or deferred compensation payments
- Indicate the taxability of your annuity, pension, and deferred compensation payments
- In addition to controlling the taxation of payments, you can also direct whether payments will be deposited into taxable accounts, into traditional retirement accounts, and/or into Roth retirement accounts.
- Because older workers can face erosion of real dollar wages, you can adjust your assumptions about your real dollar wages, if you plan to keep working
The VeriPlan personal financial planning calculator software automates the projection of your future traditional retirement account RMDs
The VeriPlan comprehensive, integrated, and advanced financial normal age and early retirement growth calculator projects and taxes your Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) and other withdrawals from traditional retirement accounts, including:
- Uses the IRS formula to withdraw RMDs from the traditional retirement account assets that you accumulated while working
- Apportions traditional retirement account balances by spouse, since RMDs are based on individual’s holdings and can differ by age
- Also manages RMDs related to inherited IRA accounts. (Accounts inherited in 2019 or before have a lifetime payout, which is implemented by VeriPlan. For those traditional retirement accounts inherited in 2020 and after, the SECURE ACT (1.0) of 2019 shortened the inherited payout period to ten years without RMDs.)
- Automatically determines whether your individual RMDs would start at age 73 or 75, given your current age and the provisions of the SECURE Act (2.0) of 2022.
- Differentiates state level income taxation by the states that do or do not tax RMDs and other withdrawals from traditional retirement accounts
The VeriPlan comprehensive, integrated, and advanced DIY financial normal age and early retirement growth calculator helps you to understand your preparedness for a long life and a long retirement, since every VeriPlan projection automatically analyzes the adequacy of your family’s financial resources through age 100.
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Sample VeriPlan Retirement Income and RMDs graphic

The VeriPlan Retirement Income graphic projects various income sources in retirement after Earner #1 plans to retire. Retirement income sources may include continuing earned income from Earner #2, Social Security retirement income, and pension, annuity, and deferred compensation income. This graphic also includes pre-tax Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs).
11) Optimize Roth tax-advantaged retirement contributions and conversions with the VeriPlan personal financial planning software
VeriPlan’s Roth contribution and conversion analysis tools are unmatched by any other home and family personal financial planning software
Analyze whether traditional tax-deferred retirement plan contributions and/or Roth retirement plan contributions would be more valuable across your lifetime and plan for tax-optimal, year-by-year conversions of traditional retirement account assets into Roth retirement account assets
- VeriPlan’s comprehensive traditional versus Roth retirement contributions calculator tool allows you to analyze across your lifetime the optimal combination of traditional retirement plan contributions and/or Roth retirement plan contributions, while you are working.
- VeriPlan’s Roth retirement conversions calculator tools allow you to evaluate whether it would be a better to make traditional tax-deductible contributions while working and then plan to do a series of Roth conversions in post-retirement years, when you expect lower taxable income and thus lower income tax rates.
VeriPlan’s sophisticated Roth conversion features dynamically project the specific yearly dollar amounts that could be converted within each federal income tax rate bracket in each projection year.
- You can flexibly plan for Roth conversions of various amounts in a one or more years, and you can see how each annual conversion entry affects the years going forward
- VeriPlan also shows you how your planned Roth conversions would affect the amount of your Social Security retirement benefit income that would be subject to federal income taxation each year.
- VeriPlan will also specifically quantify how your planned Roth conversions could affect Medicare IRMAA premium reductions throughout retirement.
- Higher income in retirement due to taxable traditional retirement account RMDs can affect Medicare’s “Income-Related Monthly Adjustment Amounts” (IRMAA), which in turn would reduce the subsidies that Medicare pays on your behalf for Medicare Part B and Part D insurance premiums during retirement and would increase the amount that you have to pay directly out of pocket for Medicare insurance.
- Because Roth conversions in earlier years can lower future RMDs, Roth conversions might lower also IRMAA subsidy reductions and save you money.
- VeriPlan will also automatically calculate and inform you of the year-by-year potential value of optimizing your investment portfolio for proper asset tax location. Asset tax location takes advantage of the different tax characteristics of cash, bond, and stock financial assets when held in your taxable accounts, traditional retirement accounts, and/or Roth retirement accounts. If you intend to optimize for proper asset tax location, then VeriPlan will present Roth conversion analysis projections that assume you have already properly located your cash, bond and stock assets by the taxability of your accounts. (This is also explained in VeriPlan.)
- In addition, VeriPlan provides a detailed presentation that clearly explains the tax and other economic tradeoffs between traditional tax-deductible retirement account contributions and non-deductible Roth retirement contributions and conversions across one’s lifetime.
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The Best Excel personal financial and retirement
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Scroll down to learn more about VeriPlan’s comprehensive, integrated, and advanced personal financial and retirement growth calculator software tools
12) The VeriPlan personal financial planning calculator software is designed for personal DIY use by individuals and consumers in their homes
The Best DIY Excel personal financial and retirement planning software with income, expense, debt, real estate, and tax calculator features, including comprehensive, integrated and advanced savings and investment functionality
Designed for you to use at home: Ease of use, organization, and documentation
- VeriPlan provides 16 user accessible input and information worksheets, 25 graphics, and a consolidated data table plus the VeriPlan Comparison Tool.
- VeriPlan’s projection graphics can cover ages 18 to 100 years in yearly increments. All graphics include a dynamic x-axis the begins with the current age of the primary user. For ease of analysis, VeriPlan also automatically provides a consolidated projection data table with all the data that is used in each of the projection graphics.
- All VeriPlan projections extract inflation and use real or non-inflationary dollars with constant purchasing power projected across your lifetime. With real dollars, where goods and services cost the same over time, it is much easier for you to understand the workability of your Excel personal financial and retirement planning software projection.
- The VeriPlan comprehensive, integrated, and advanced normal age and early retirement growth calculator software has no built in obsolescence like most other financial applications, which require software maintenance contracts and/or force you to make annual repurchases. You can use VeriPlan year after year, and you can update whatever you need to update by yourself. For example, if your tax rates change, you can plug in the new tax rates and keep going.
- All VeriPlan worksheets provide extensive and readily available documentation — right where you need it within VeriPlan. There really is no need for a separate user manual. Nevertheless the VeriPlan User Guide Manual is also provided and contains extensive information about the VeriPlan Excel financial and retirement financial planning and investing calculator software.
- All user data entry points are clearly marked and explained. Only user-changeable workbook spreadsheet cells can be selected by the user. All such user-changeable cells provide data entry advice and do automatic error checking, which helps to reduce user data entry errors.
- VeriPlan provides extensive internal hyper-linking to help you to get around quickly and easily within and between spreadsheets.
- VeriPlan also provides numerous external hyper-links to articles that have been published on websites that we maintain, and which explain personal financial planning and personal investment management concepts.
VeriPlan provides helpful educational information about financial and retirement planning
- VeriPlan’s Optimizations worksheet provides useful articles that discuss:
- Lifelong tax savings from investment portfolio asset tax location
- Early retirement health care expenses and the Affordable Care Act (ACA / Obamacare) tax subsidies before Medicare
- Social Security retirement claiming age considerations
- Spending traditional retirement assets, while delaying Social Security payments
- Compound investment growth factors
- Tax-exempt municipal securities and VeriPlan’s return assumptions
- VeriPlan’s design and discounted cash flow modeling
Automatically analyze your lifetime income, expenses, debts, asset returns, taxes, and investment cash flows
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Sample VeriPlan Operating Cash Flow graphic

The VeriPlan lifetime Cash Flow graphic projects your net earned and other non-asset income — reduced by all expenses, taxes, and debt payments. The graphic is a cash flow summary of all projected operating financial activity, excluding any asset-related returns or appreciation net of investment costs.
13) Comprehensive “Low Cost Mutual Funds” and “Low Cost ETFs” bonus eBooks
And, of course, everybody loves a bonus!

Order now to receive these valuable eBooks
- Each eBook is approximately 200 pages and catalogs lists of the lowest cost no load index mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) across the various asset class categories.
- In Acrobat PDF format, these highly useful books also discuss why you should choose only the lowest cost index mutual funds and ETFs.
- In addition to the value of VeriPlan as a lifetime Excel personal financial and retirement planning software decision tool, these lowest cost no-load mutual fund and ETFs eBooks can help you to recoup rapidly the modest cost of VeriPlan.
- Download both Acrobat eBooks with your order. You will receive the latest eBook editions with VeriPlan
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The Best Excel personal financial and retirement
planning software for individuals and consumers
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Just $49.95 for All Windows and Mac computers in your household with Microsoft Excel
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14) Systems Platform: the VeriPlan personal financial planning calculator software runs on Windows or Macintosh computer with Any version of Microsoft Excel
High performance DIY home and family personal financial software that you can use on all your household Windows and Macintosh computers that have Microsoft Excel installed
Systems and software platform information
- VeriPlan is designed for the do-it-yourself development of high performance, lifetime personal financial projections. Response to any change that you make in VeriPlan is designed to be sub-second, as it very rapidly revises all affected parts of your projection scenarios. VeriPlan’s fully-integrated Comparison Tool executes at the same rapid speed and allows you to understand the differences between two of your lifetime projection models that differ by one or many factors.
- VeriPlan’s core functionality has been rich, robust, and stable since 2006. Enhancement and update releases are issued at least annually and include:
- the latest US Federal and 50 state + DC tax rates, limits, phase outs, and other tax parameters
- the latest tax parameters related to traditional and Roth tax-advantaged IRA and employer-sponsored retirement plan contributions and withdrawals
- the latest user adjustable historical asset class returns, inflation, and volatility data for 1928 through the present
- Because VeriPlan is fully user updateable, its users can keep using whatever version they have. They are under no obligation to pay any maintenance fees or to buy any upgrades. Licensees of prior versions are offered a license discount for the most recent version, when they send an email requesting the most recent version and including a reference to their original order from past years.
- User comments are highly encouraged. This is how we learn about what you need and want.
- Internet connectivity will augment the information available to you via standard browser hyperlinks, but Internet connectivity is not required to operate VeriPlan. We completely respect your privacy. VeriPlan runs in a completely standalone configuration on top of Microsoft Excel with no external communications of any kind induced by VeriPlan. Any hyperlink provided within VeriPlan is optional, non-programmatic, and solely provided from you to access textual financial planning information on the web.
- VeriPlan runs on both MS Windows and Macintosh personal computers. VeriPlan will run on ANY Microsoft Windows or ANY Macintosh desktop and laptop personal computer that runs Microsoft Excel 2002 or ANY later version of Excel.
- VeriPlan is a pure Microsoft Excel workbook application and only makes standard logic calls to Excel. This makes VeriPlan portable both across platforms and across versions over time. For ease of use, a larger screen size is helpful to the user.
- VeriPlan comprehensive, integrated, and advanced retirement software is not compatible with and is not supported on Open Office, Mac Numbers, or any other non-Microsoft Excel spreadsheet engine. VeriPlan has extensive formatting and data input checking for ease-of-use. These features get lost when other spreadsheet engines that claim to be “Excel-compatible” attempt to load a workbook application with VeriPlan’s size, sophistication, and complexity.
- VeriPlan has a large file size and user data has little effect on this total file size. More powerful machines with faster CPUs and more RAM can open and save VeriPlan much more quickly. (VeriPlan is shipped in Excel Binary Workbook format (.xlsb) and has a file size of about 14 Mb.)
- VeriPlan’s financial projection functionality has NO software dependencies other than Microsoft Excel. VeriPlan uses an integrated Visual Basic Project that contains no code is used solely for spreadsheet and workbook locking and security.
- The VeriPlan personal financial planning software for personal use by individuals and consumers contains no macros. VeriPlan makes no external calls, except when a user clicks on a standard hyperlink in VeriPlan, which will invoke your preferred Internet browser to connect to financial websites that have more educational information for you.
- Microsoft Windows personal computers are the development and functional reference platform for VeriPlan. Once developed, VeriPlan is tested on Macintosh computers running Microsoft Excel.
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15) 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee and product ordering information
Product ordering information and satisfaction guarantee
- Payments are made in US currency and are processed through PayPal using either a major credit card or funds in your PayPal account
- The 30-Day Money Back Guarantee is UNCONDITIONAL and is provided via a PayPal refund.
- California orders pay California sales tax
- The zipped product download folder includes the:
- VeriPlan Excel personal financial and retirement planning software
- Read Me
- Product Overview
- How-to-Use quick starter guide
- Whole household End User License
- Lowest Cost No Load Mutual Funds eBook
- Lowest Cost ETFs eBook, and
- VeriPlan User Guide Manual eBook
- VeriPlan is licensed and copyrighted software and is not sold. The VeriPlan End User License covers the personal and non-commercial use by one household of VeriPlan running on Microsoft Excel on the Macintosh and Windows devices owned by that household.
- VeriPlan has been developed by and is licensed to you by Lawrence Russell and Company, 1077 Prospect Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91103
- Purchase terms are subject to change without notice at the sole discretion of Lawrence Russell and Company.
- The VeriPlan software and VeriPlan trademarks are the exclusive property of Lawrence Russell and Company.
- Commercial licenses for financial planners and investment advisers to use VeriPlan with their clients are available.
- VeriPlan is not appropriate for anyone who is not subject to United States tax laws, rules, and regulations.
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The Best Excel personal financial and retirement
planning software for individuals and consumers
One household license for all of your Mac and Windows computers
No risk 30-day 100% money back guarantee
No need to buy upgrades – No support contract needed
Click this button to order and download now
Just $49.95 for All Windows and Mac computers in your household with Microsoft Excel
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16) VeriPlan’s personal financial planning calculator software development history since 2006
A scientifically based do-it-yourself personal financial planning software tool kit
Developed with objective and in-depth knowledge of financial, investment, and retirement planning practices
- VeriPlan’s chief architect and lead developer is Larry Russell. He is an experienced comprehensive financial planner and a California Registered Investment Adviser who holds a BS from MIT, MA from Brandeis, and MBA from Stanford.

Larry Russell, Managing Director
MBA (Stanford U.), MA (Brandeis U.), and BS (M.I.T.)
“My goal is to increase your knowledge and improve your ability to manage your own personal finance and investing affairs.”
(The photo above is about twenty years old, so it does not reflect any natural aging, changes in clothing preferences, and the wear-and-tear of twenty years of VeriPlan development.)
- VeriPlan’s chief architect, Larry Russell, has expertise in economics, finance, investments, marketing management accounting, taxation, probability, statistics, software development, web technologies, and quality control. Earlier in his career, he had 20+ years of Silicon Valley software-focused corporate work experience, primarily with HP and Sun Microsystems, as a corporate development executive, business analyst, and product manager. Following several years an a start-up executive, Larry established Lawrence Russell and Company in 2001. Since then, he has developed VeriPlan and provided fee-only comprehensive, integrated, and advanced financial planning services to families across the US using VeriPlan.
- The VeriPlan personal financial planning software and comprehensive retirement growth calculator was developed initially over a three-year period from 2003 to 2006 following two years of full-time research into the academic literature on personal financial planning and personal investment management. Every year since its initial release to the public in 2006, VeriPlan has been updated and enhanced at least once with annual releases occurring around the end of February each year. For more details, follow this link: VeriPlan Annual Release Notes.
- The original objective of this research was to determine which personal finance and retirement planning strategies work and which do not. This preparatory research lead to Larry’s conclusion that the highly interconnected computational details required for truly comprehensive lifetime personal financial, investment management, and personal retirement financial planning software projections could be automated. VeriPlan is the result.
- Once these myriad computations were automated, and thus hidden, individuals could then use the resulting VeriPlan toolset to focus on improving their lifetime financial planning and retirement decision-making.
This explains the origins and objectives of VeriPlan, the do-it-yourself lifetime financial and retirement planner software — designed with you in mind.
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The Best Excel personal financial and retirement
planning software for individuals and consumers
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Just $49.95 for All Windows and Mac computers in your household with Microsoft Excel
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That’s All Folks !
VeriPlan is a great product, a great deal, and a great help with your personal financial and retirement planning
VeriPlan can help you to understand:
- How to achieve all your financial goals in a unified and comprehensive lifetime plan
- What you must save and invest to achieve long-term financial freedom for your family
- How to prepare for a comfortable retirement with sufficient retirement income and personal wealth
- When you could afford to buy or upgrade your home to improve your quality of living
- What you need for future college and private school expenses
- When you can pay off your debts and live debt free
- The best balance between retirement account contributions versus taxable investments