VeriPlan Personal Financial Planning

DIY financial and retirement planning Excel calculator software

VeriPlan Overview 4: Your Investment Portfolio Projections

VeriPlan Retirement Investment Calculator Overview: Part 4 of 7

Your investment portfolio and assets in VeriPlan

For each of your current investment portfolio asset holdings, the VeriPlan investment calculator software collects information about your share ownership amounts, values per share, investment costs, account taxability, and expected taxable capital gains distributions. The VeriPlan financial investment calculator automatically projects your net annual holdings by financial asset class, including new investments from future positive net investment returns and investment withdrawals to meet future expense budget requirements. Compound investment calculator values are automatically projected net of personal living expenses, debt repayments, ordinary income taxes, capital gains taxes, and investment costs throughout your full lifecycle. Long term investment calculator rebalancing is performed annually and automatically according your choices and user adjustable settings on five asset allocation strategy methods.

VeriPlan’s fully integrated retirement investment calculator projects the growth of your “centerline” investment portfolio asset values based on historical risk-adjusted and inflation-adjusted cash, bond, and stock asset class growth rates. Compound investment calculator growth rates are fully user-adjustable using VeriPlan’s systematic and judgmental growth rate adjustment tools. VeriPlan’s integrated, automated, and high performance mutual fund investment calculator asset projection facilities enable the rapid evaluation of a wide range of customized financial plans.

For each of your portfolio asset holdings, VeriPlan separately and automatically projects annual investment returns, volatility, ordinary income taxes, capital gains taxes, and investment costs. Then, in combination, the VeriPlan retirement tax calculator automatically assesses your overall annual net portfolio returns, tax efficiency, and investment cost efficiency. The VeriPlan investment calculator can project these aggregates, even though the net valuation of your individual asset holdings may change at different rates due to user return adjustments, varying investment costs, uneven capital gains distributions, legal differences in taxability, and variations in marginal tax rates. Therefore, VeriPlan can provide significantly more insight, because its investment calculator projections focus on your particular financial planning circumstances and do not rely upon general population averages.

Your Cash Assets:

VeriPlan’s cash savings and investment calculator projects up to 24 separate cash asset holdings.

Your Bond Assets:

VeriPlan’s bond investment calculator projects up to 24 separate bond and fixed income asset holdings.

Your Stock Asset:

VeriPlan’s stock investment calculator projects up to 99 separate stock and equity asset holdings.

Your Property Assets:

VeriPlan’s real estate investment calculator projects up to 10 separate property and real estate asset holdings.

Your Other Assets:

VeriPlan also projects up to 10 separate “other” asset holdings.

Your Human Capital:

The VeriPlan home investment calculator automatically projects your depletable, yet-to-be-earned “human capital.” Gross human capital is your yet-to-be-earned total wage and earned income. Gross human capital pays your ongoing living expense budget before your retirement, and it provides the potential to save. Net human capital is your yet-to-be-earned savings or your net income from your earnings. You must convert your net human capital into assets that will pay your living expenses, after your human capital or your potential to earn is gone.

An example of VeriPlan’s lifetime family total assets graphic:

This is an example of a lifetime investment calculator projection for one couple’s cash, bond, stock, business, and real estate assets. This graphic is automatically generated for all scenarios that you develop in VeriPlan. Investment projections are net of all taxes and all investment fees. This graphic also includes a measure of human capital, and it integrates the financial impacts of the payoff of all debts.

Investment Portfolio Projection

<– Go to part 3 of the VeriPlan Overview – Personal Income Projections

Federal State and Local Tax Projections – Go to part 5 of the VeriPlan Overview–>
VeriPlan Overview 4: Your Investment Portfolio Projections
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