Project your lifetime investment assets using a sophisticated, do-it-yourself retirement investment calculator
VeriPlan’s lifetime compound investment calculator retirement software develops customized scenarios that are based on your current personal financial situation and on your goals and objectives for the future. VeriPlan is a sophisticated and fully integrated future value investment calculator that automatically projects the year-by-year future hypothetical investment calculator value for your investment portfolio assets, net of all additions and withdrawals associated with your future earnings, income, and expenditures.
The VeriPlan retirement investment calculator software automatically acts as a comprehensive compound investment calculator that applies historical investment return growth rates to your cash, bond, and stock assets. This powerful home investment calculator can handle individual stocks and bonds, cash, property, and other valuable assets that you may own. Along with the individual securities that you own, VeriPlan also functions as fully integrated ETF and mutual fund investment calculator. VeriPlan automatically projects annual year-by-year future values for your cash, bond, stock, real estate, business, and other property across your lifetime through age 100.
VeriPlan’s long term investment calculator functionality uses return on investment growth rates that are in line with the very long-term historical trend. You have full control over these asset class growth rates, and you can change any of the compound investment growth rates for VeriPlan’s integrated stock investment calculator, bond investment calculator, and cash savings investment calculator functionality.
VeriPlan’s automated projections are presented net of your projected income and investment taxes, because VeriPlan also fully integrates a lifetime capital gains, property, and income tax projection estimator. This tax projection software calculates lifetime federal, state, and local graduated income taxes and the capital gains tax that would be due on future asset distributions. In addition, this do it yourself home retirement investment calculator software will automatically reduce your projected investment returns by the investment expense characteristics of the investments you choose to hold in the future. It calculates these projections according to you choice and settings on one of the five fully integrated asset allocation and annual rebalancing mechanisms provided by VeriPlan.
In addition, VeriPlan’s long term investment calculator functionality has fully integrated features that project the different asset values of your taxable investment accounts and tax-advantaged retirement accounts. This highly sophisticated, yet easy to use financial investment calculator provides IRA investment calculator and 401k investment calculator features, and can also be used to project long term future investment asset values for tax-advantaged investments in 403b, 457, KEOGH, and other retirement savings plan accounts. Moreover, VeriPlan has fully integrated Roth IRA investment calculator functionality that allows you to evaluate the best combination of traditional tax-advantaged retirement account contributions versus Roth retirement account contributions for your particular lifetime financial plan.
VeriPlan also provides a very flexible Portfolio Risk Tool, which enables you to test alternative projection scenarios that use asset class return on investment rate assumptions that may differ from the long-term historical trend. Of course, all VeriPlan supplied investment assumptions are user adjustable. You can change VeriPlan’s investment returns assumptions downward or upward, either arbitrarily or in proportion to historical securities risk measurements.
Past securities risk is measured by long term historical asset class price volatility, and these volatility rates are supplied with this retirement investment calculator software. VeriPlan will also automatically project the investment portfolio safety margin that your cash and bond assets would provide for you relative to your projected future expenditures.
For your property, real estate, and other assets, which lack prices from real-time securities markets, VeriPlan will use the current value and growth rate estimates that you think would be most appropriate for these properties. Using this information, VeriPlan will automatically project the future value of your property, real estate, and other assets net of your investment costs on a year-by-year basis up to age 100. And, of course, VeriPlan will also reflect the future cash flow and tax deduction impacts of your projected real estate tax payments.
This is an example of a seventy-year projection for one couple’s cash, bond, stock, business, and real estate assets. This graphic includes a measure of their projected net human capital (cumulative expected savings from their projected earned income), and it integrates the financial impacts of the payoff of all their debts. These projections also are net of all taxes and all investment fees due along the way. This graphic and all twenty other VeriPlan income, expense, debt, tax, and asset related graphics are automatically and instantly generated for all scenarios that you develop. Make any change to any part of your VeriPlan model and everything updates in a fraction of a second.