The VeriPlan personal finance software gives you significant personal insight into your most important financial planning and investment portfolio management decisions. Through comprehensive and customized lifetime projections, VeriPlan's financial calculators and investment calculators model your particular financial planning across your adult lifecycle. VeriPlan projects fully integrated scenarios about your income, expenses, debts, assets, investment returns, and investment costs within the context of the U.S. federal taxes, state taxes, and local taxes that apply to you. VeriPlan presents all your personal lifecycle projection information in clear graphics and data tables. You can easily customize any of your personal data and settings in VeriPlan. After you make any modification, VeriPlan will revise your complete projection automatically and instantaneously. Using VeriPlan's rich set of 10 fully integrated “what if” financial planning tools and financial calculators, you can take greater control of your own financial planning and personal investment decision-making. For additional information, see the VeriPlan Executive Summary or the VeriPlan Product Overview.
Your asset allocation strategy allows you to align the risk of your investment portfolio with your relative risk tolerance. VeriPlan provides five user selectable and adjustable asset allocation methods for your lifecycle projections. Fixed, variable, and age-based asset allocation mechanisms are provided. Reallocations are performed automatically at the beginning of all subsequent projection years.
investment costs are a huge problem for the average individual
VeriPlan's projections automatically analyze the impact of five types
of investment expenses across your lifecycle: 1) purchase fees and
loads, 2) management expenses, 3) marketing fees, 4) trading costs,
and 5) investment portfolio custody fees. VeriPlan fully automates the
comparison of
your lifecycle investment portfolio costs. VeriPlan's automated
investment calculators allow you to compare the lifetime investment
costs of your current investment portfolio with investment
costs that you believe are reasonable to pay.
VeriPlan's expense budgeting and savings calculator tool
allows you to change your current expense levels and future
expense growth rates. It also allows you to enter major planned
expenses and their growth rates for any future years. You can also
enter positive and negative expense budget adjustments and growth rates
any projection year. This savings calculator tool explains how VeriPlan
can be used as a
Children's Education Expenditure Planning Tool. It also has a section
on how to use VeriPlan as a Mid-Career Education Planning Tool to model
tradeoffs associated with returning to school for career advancement.
Excess consumption and the attendant costs of debt can be very
destructive. This tool allows you to set an interest rate for future
unfunded consumption debt. VeriPlan automatically accumulates an
debt with unpaid interest, when your projected expenses exceed your
projected income and when your cash, bond / fixed income, and
stock / equity portfolio assets are projected to be depleted fully. If
subsequent positive net income becomes available, VeriPlan will
automatically pay off some or all of this unfunded consumption debt.
Regarding any current debts that you have, VeriPlan automatically
repays interest and principal required. You can use VeriPlan’s
debt management calculator facilities to analyze and plan the
repayment of any or all of your loans.
VeriPlan's automated "centerline" projections are based on the
long-term, historical securities market rates of investment returns
that have been
achieved in the cash, bond / fixed income, and stock / equity
investment asset classes
over approximately the past 75 years. You can adjust these projected
rates of return, using VeriPlan’s Portfolio Risk Tool.
VeriPlan’s projections automatically deduct your taxes and
investment costs from your investment returns. Furthermore,
across your lifecycle, VeriPlan will automatically project the value of
your real estate, property, and other assets, which are not priced
currently on real-time securities markets. VeriPlan will use fair
market value and future growth rate estimates that you provide for
these real estate, property, and other assets.
VeriPlan provides this calculator tool for users who plan to
purchase 1 to 3 homes
in the future. For future home purchases, this home purchase calculator
automatically takes
into account: a) the planned purchase price, b) closing
costs, c)
settlement cash required, d) mortgage debt to be assumed, e) expected
interim and subsequent price changes or appreciation.
VeriPlan provides two combinable methods to develop
projections using
asset class return assumptions that differ positively and/or negatively
from VeriPlan's "centerline" historical investment returns assumptions:
also provides a Current Portfolio Revaluation Tool to help users
understand the potential effects of substantial changes in near-term
securities market values.
investors face a dilemma. Both less risky and more risky investment
strategies may not achieve desired results for different reasons. When
assessing investment strategies with different risk levels, it can be
helpful to understand how the "safer" portion of your portfolio assets
might evolve across your lifecycle. VeriPlan's Portfolio Safety Tool
automatically projects how long your cash and shorter-term fixed income
assets would cover your projected expenses, if all your expected income
sources ceased at any point. This tool automatically measures your
projected financial capacity to weather future financial risks that
might materialize.
VeriPlan provides flexible financial
planning worksheets for
retirement planning. With this retirement calculator tool,
you can set individual retirement ages for Earners 1 and 2. You can
select whether or not to retire simultaneously. You can also adjust
your expected ordinary living expense budget in retirement and the
rate of those living expenses. Concerning Social Security retirement
you can set current levels of your entitlements and adjust the age at
which you would first begin to receive Social Security payments.
Furthermore, you can scale back the amount of your projected Social
Security payments, if you wish. Finally, because much older workers can
face significant erosion of real dollar wage rates, you can adjust
VeriPlan's assumptions about real dollar wage erosion for earnings at
ages over 65.
has automated your lifecycle projections regarding the various employer
retirement plans and personal IRA, 401k, and other retirement accounts
that allow you to defer taxation or to
avoid future taxation altogether. VeriPlan automatically projects
separate values for your taxable accounts, traditional IRA and 401k
accounts, and Roth IRA and 401k accounts. Regarding traditional IRA
accounts and Roth IRA accounts, VeriPlan has fully
automated the projection of your lifecycle IRA contributions,
deductions, asset growth, withdrawals, and taxation. When necessary,
VeriPlan's financial calculators
automatically assess federal early withdrawal penalties that are
supplied and a state penalty that you provide.
Your settings on this retirement calculator tool will control your projected lifetime tax-advantaged retirement plan contributions that would be funded from your future positive net income and/or from your future taxable financial assets, up to the current legal annual limits. This tool allows you to determine the portion of your projected annual contributions that would be deposited automatically into either traditional accounts or Roth accounts.
Get the best financial
planning worksheets for retirement planning!