My goal is to increase your knowledge and accelerate your ability to take leadership in the management of your own personal finances and investing over your lifetime. This ten-step personal financial planning process will help you to optimize the management of your financial planning and investment management affairs over your lifetime, while greatly reducing the unnecessary waste of your money and your time.
I will help you to adopt durable personal financial planning practices, which have the highest probability of meeting your lifetime financial needs. You and I will work together to analyze your financial affairs cooperatively. My services will be valuable and cost-effective to you. My fees will be reasonable, clearly understood, and determined in advance. As your financial services and investment consumer advocate, I can help you to shop for the lowest cost financial products that are consistent with your financial plan. Your financial interests are paramount, and I will never have any third party compensation conflict-of-interest. I will not accept any third party sales commissions or third party payments of any kind. I will never charge any asset management fees against your investment assets.
Your financial planning and investment consultant owes you expert, unbiased guidance. Rely on independent and scientific financial planning and investment management. Genuine financial knowledge requires proven facts. I will provide objective and comprehensive financial planning advice with a solid scientific basis. I am a completely independent, fee only financial planner, financial consultant, and investment planner. I provide scientifically-based, personal financial, investment, money, and retirement services to individuals. I work for you -- not for the financial investment industry.
In 2001, I established Lawrence Russell and Company and began an in-depth and systematic reading of the scientific finance literature. I wanted to find out what was true, false, and ambiguous about personal financial planning and investing. These activities lead to the development of VeriPlan, which enables individuals to do their own financial lifecycle planning.
My name is Larry Russell, and I am the editor and publisher of The Skilled Investor. I am an experienced executive with expertise in business management, finance, investments, economics, statistics, and accounting. I hold a BS from M.I.T., an MA from Brandeis University, and an MBA from Stanford University.