DIY Personal & Retirement Financial Planning

Do-It-Yourself financial and investment planning Excel spreadsheet software


How many stocks are needed for a well-diversified portfolio?

Industry rules-of-thumb often state that 15 to 30 stocks are enough for a well-diversified portfolio. This can be very misleading. Recent studies point out that industry rules-of-thumb on the number of stocks needed for a well-diversified portfolio are simply not adequate. These rules-of-thumb most often state that 15 to 30 stocks are enough. “The Truth […]

Most Individual Investors Are Poor Personal Portfolio Managers

Most individual investors are poor investment portfolio managers Investors more easily understand investment costs that are directly measurable, such as fees deducted on investment statements. However, many investors ignore or are unaware of the “opportunity costs” of their sub-optimal investment behaviors. Opportunity costs are usually much more difficult to measure directly, but these investment costs […]

How unstable have stock market returns been over time?

Common stock equity market returns have varied widely in the past. The common stock equity risk premium has averaged about 4.1% from 1872 to 2000. The equity risk premium is the equity market return less the risk free rate of return. The risk free rate of return includes both the inflation rate and the risk […]

Dodge and Cox Stock Fund (DODGX) picks up a +8 Fund Authority Score

The table below in this article presents The Skilled Investor’s Fund Authority Score and other information for the Dodge and Cox Stock Fund (DODGX). The diversified investment fund strategy of the Dodge and Cox Stock mutual fund (DODGX) Discover Home Financial Planning Software According to its website and its prospectus filing on the U.S. Securities […]

Can you really beat the stock market?

You are not likely to beat the stock market, despite all the cheer leading from the securities industry and the financial media. When you try to beat the public securities markets, unfortunately you are more likely to trail the market’s return, because of extra costs, taxes, and investment mistakes. The idea that investors can beat […]

Understand the Confusing Securities Market Motion Picture

Securities markets are usually very quick to adjust prices to reflect new information. However, this price adjustment process may take longer and be more volatile, if the new information is ambiguous. At any point in time, market participants will already have used more or less rigorous valuation methods to judge their expected risk-adjusted value of […]

Own Investment Mutual Funds and ETFs – Not Individual Securities

Own Investment Mutual Funds and ETFs – Not Individual Securities Owning individual stock and bond securities is just a big waste of your valuable time and money Individual investors tend to be terrible investment portfolio managers. Almost everyone can hire an index fund manager to do a much better job for far less time, money, […]

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