You cannot invest without savings. How much savings are enough? … too little? … too much?
Currently, the U.S. is experiencing a savings crisis. The net personal savings rate is zero or slightly negative, despite a healthy and growing economy. This situation is a prescription for millions upon millions of future personal financial disasters. (See: Your personal earnings, expenditures, and savings are the most important determinants of your family’s long-term financial wealth and VeriPlan helps you to understand your lifetime personal savings requirements and whether you current savings rate is sufficient)You do not have to participate in one of these looming personal financial train wrecks. You can choose to limit your current spending and debt. You can pay off debts and save at rates that will greatly enhance your future financial security.
VeriPlan cannot do the saving for you. That, of course, is your job. Nevertheless, VeriPlan can be extremely valuable to you, because can help you to understand how much you need to save. VeriPlan is a fully integrated, automated, and personalized financial projection engine that helps you can test the lifetime effects of different personal savings rates. VeriPlan helps you to pierce the veil of your financial future to see how your current decisions may affect your future financial well-being.